I'd like to get a bike. Where can I get the right one?
BYU Bicycle Committee recommends visiting local bike shops and talking with their sales staff about your needs. Most commuter bikes are built for function and often feature a strong steel or aluminum frame, slick tires, and optional racks, baskets, and fenders. Check out the mountain bikes and racing bikes as well!!
Where can I rent a bike?
BYU Outdoors Unlimited
Why should I register my bike?
When you register your bicycle, you need to know the make, model, and the serial number of the bicycle. Should your bicycle be stolen, it will be easy for you to report it as stolen, and it will also prevent anyone else from being able to register the bike. BYU Police has made bicycle registration free and easy for students. See their website
What else should I do to take care of my new bike?
Aside from registering your bike, the next most important thing is locking your bicycle with a high-quality lock. Check out our Maintenance page for more suggestions.
What else is important for rideable safety?
Make sure you use lights in poor weather and bad lighting. Always follow the laws of the road and check out our Safety page for more information.
Any suggestions for cool places to ride?
Absolutely! Check out our Suggested Routes page for some of our favorite Utah County rides.
Something is wrong with my bike. Where can I fix it?
Local bike shops offer full-service repairs. If you’d rather fix the issue yourself, Provo Bicycle Collective offers bike tool rental and guidance from a trained mechanic for an hourly fee.
My bike was stolen. What do I do?
We’re so sorry! First, report your stolen bike to the police. Hopefully, you had it registered beforehand so they know what to look out for. Then follow these steps
Where can I sell my bike?
If it’s time to move on to a nicer bike, your bike doesn’t fit you, or you’re moving and would rather buy a new bike when you get there, you can sell your bike on KSL classifieds
I’m moving and need to ship my bike.
If you’re going back home for the summer, moving away for an internship, or relocating for future educational or career plans, you don’t have to leave your favorite bike behind! We suggest asking for a box from a local bike shop, packing it up with care, and shipping it via Bikeflights
Where can I report maintenance needs for bike racks, lanes, or repair stations?
If you notice that one of our bike racks, lanes, or repair stations requires maintenance, please report the need to bikecommittee@byu.edu. We will resolve the issue as soon as possible.